Sunday, June 21, 2009


Schaeffer is the, "Biggest, Baddest, SuperHero and nothing can stop him."

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Livin' the Life

We spent the week in Las Vegas and had a wonderful time. We rented a mini-van and Schaeffer loved it. He got to sit in the third seat the entire trip and thought he was "Livin' the Life". He loved it, he had his own cup holder, hook, air vent and reclining seat. Every time we got in the car he would ask the other passengers, "Don't you wish you could be livin' the life in the back with me?".
We also spent lots of time in the swimming pool and at the amusement park. This was more of a family trip then a gambling trip. Jason and I did gamble a bit, but were not successful.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Schaeffer's Thoughts

This weekend we attended a birthday party for a family friend. It was his 90th birthday and held in a museum in Lubbock. During the party, Schaeffer was playing in a spot of the building that was not too clean. It has spiderwebs and tons of dirt. I told Schaeffer to get up, it was dirty down there. He said back to me, "Mom how can I ever have any fun?"
I just let him continue to play.